Edinburgh Chess Congress will take place from 8-11 April, 2016 in St Thomas of Aquin’s high school in Edinburgh/Scotland.
The festival consists of 5 tournaments:
- Premier
- Challengers
- Major
- Bishops
- Knights
The Premier Event will be FIDE rated. All entrants for the Premier Event must be a member of a National Chess Association. The East of Scotland Championship Trophy and £50 prize will be awarded to the highest eligible player in the Premier.
Time control for all the events will be 30 moves in 90 minutes + 30 minutes quickplay finish.
Edinburgh Evening News Cup
This will be presented to the highest placed junior, in the Premier, Under 18 on 8 April 2015 normally resident in Scotland. The prize of £30 will also be awarded.
For more information contact Congress Director, Mr. David Stewart
Tel: 01875 616637
or Entries Secretary, Mr. Graham Kerr
Tel: 07986 335500
Tournament entry form can be downloaded below: