(valid from 5th November 2017)
1. The name of the Association is: “European Chess Union”.
2. The European Chess Union is an independent association and has its seat in Hunenberg See, Switzerland. The Association is subject to the national law of Switzerland.
3. Members are national chess federations which have principal authority over chess activities in their own countries and which have at any time been admitted to Federation Internationale des Echecs (FIDE) as member-federations. The European Chess Union consists of those national member-federations listed in Annex 1 and those additional member-federations assigned to it by FIDE after 13th March 2010 and admitted to membership by the General Assembly of the European Chess Union (“Members”). Associate Members are other international associations accepted as associate members of the Association by the General Assembly of the European Chess Union on the basis that they do not have either a right to vote at the European Chess Union General Assembly or the right to nominate a representative to have a seat on the Board of the European Chess Union (“Associate Members”).
4. The European Chess Union:
(a) is concerned exclusively with chess and chess related activities with sporting, cultural, educational and other interests;
(b) is democratically established and bases itself on the principles of equal rights of its Members;
(c) is a non profit making organisation;
(d) rejects discriminatory treatment on grounds of colour, creed, disability, impairment, occupation, race, religious or political affiliation, or sexual orientation and promotes equal opportunities in a positive manner;
(e) observes strict neutrality in the internal affairs of its Members; and
(f) only allows events (competitions, congresses, meetings) to be hosted by Members where free access is generally assured to representatives of all its Members save where the General Assembly makes exceptions for reasons of state of war or severe violence between countries on a three quarter majority vote of those present and voting.
5. The European Chess Union is the only organisation which has the right to organise the various European Chess Championships.
6. The Objects for which the European Chess Union is established are:
(a) to safeguard and further the interest and development of chess within its jurisdiction (as established by the territory of its Members) as well as safeguarding and promoting the interests of its Members
(b) to represent the interests of its Members at FIDE and other international organisations;
(c) to foster a positive framework of friendship and collaboration and generate peaceful relationships between the European Chess Union and its Members within its said jurisdiction;
(d) to provide an organisation for the promotion and participation of chess in all related existing and future activities, tournaments and other competitions and seminars within its said jurisdiction;
(e) to disseminate useful and instructive articles and ideas with respect to chess education;
(f) to raise funds by means of membership subscriptions, fees for services or otherwise for all the purposes and its Objects in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorised by the General Assembly; and
(g) to do all such other lawful things as are helpful to the attainment of the above Objects.
7. The Association has the right to make Regulations to achieve the Objects referred to in Clause 6 and to apply them accordingly. ECU respects and applies FIDE rules and regulations, even concerning IOC Rules, except when in conflict with the present ECU Statutes and General Assembly decisions.
8. The income and property of the Association shall only be applied to promote the Objects of the Association. Members shall receive no dividend, or bonus, or any other kind of profit, directly or indirectly, from the Association. However, nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of remuneration to any Member, or to any employee, or officer of the Association, or to any other person, for services actually rendered to the Association. If any Member of the Association receives any dividend, or bonus, or any other profit in contravention of this stipulation that Member shall be liable to account to the Association for the same in full.
9. In the event of a dissolution or of a winding up of the Association, by a decision of not less than three fourths of the Members taken at a General Assembly, any surplus property, after the payment of all debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects similar to the Objects of the Association which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property to an extent at least as great as is imposed under or by virtue of Clause 8 hereof.
10. The official language of the Association is English. In documents containing different versions in more than one language, other than documents originally written in a different language, the English version is final.