54. (a) The Board may appoint Officials or Committees to deal with matters of constant recurring importance, or for any of the objects or activities referred to in the Memorandum of Association and in these Articles. The President, Deputy President, Treasurer or the Secretary General shall be an ex-officio member on any such Committee.
(b) The composition, election of members of Committees and their terms of reference shall be as established by Board from time to time.
(c) Any group of Members may request the Board to elect regional and other Committee from among themselves. Any such Committee will be subject to the approval of the Board. The application for the formation of such a Committee must be signed by at least three members of the ECU.
(d) When matters affecting any such Committee are discussed at any Board meeting, the President may ask for the attendance and assistance of a representative of the Committee concerned, who shall not have the right to vote, unless such representative is a member of the Board and therefore entitled to vote.
55. Any Committee shall at its first meeting shall appoint a chairman by a majority of votes.
56. For the smooth working of any Committee the chairman shall apply all the rules pertaining to the Board. Any deviation due to any unforeseen circumstance shall be reported at once to the Board for approval. The quorum for any Committee appointed by Board shall be not less than fifty percent of the members of such Committee.