FIDE’s Trainers Commission invites, with the cooperation with the European Chess Union (ECU), to participate in a 24-hour FIDE Online Trainer Seminar with some of the most experienced chess coaches available.

This course is aimed at trainers seeking the license for the FIDE Instructor title and the FIDE Trainer title and thus aimed at a rating over 1900, with the expectation that many participants will be IMs or GMs.

Held over three weekends, the dates and timing for this course will be (all timings in Central European Time – aka Berlin/Paris/Rome):

Day Date Time
Friday 13-Sep 18:30-22:30
Saturday 14-Sep 18:30-22:30
Sunday 15-Sep 18:30-22:30
Friday 20-Sep 18:30-22:30
Saturday 21-Sep 18:30-22:30
Sunday 22-Sep 18:30-22:30

The lecturers will be announced within the next week. Exams will take place on 27th, 28th and 29th. at timings agreed with the participants. There will be a written exam and an oral exam.

 Although this is done in collaboration with the ECU, participation from other parts of the world is most welcome.

 The fee for participation and examination is €200.

Please contact TRG Secretary Peter Long at:

Jacob Aagaard, TRG Chairman & Ivan Sokolov, ECU Vice President