Dear Sirs,

By letters dated 8 May and 2 June 2015, we requested a copy of all invoices sent by ECU to the Bulgarian Chess Federation during the years 2011-2014.

On 6 November 2015, the Bulgarian investigation authorities (Bulgarian Public Financial Inspection Agency) sought the cooperation of ECU in the investigation involving the Bulgarian Chess Federation.

In view of the decisions of the ECU General Assembly on 10 October 2015 in Bar, Montenegro as well as the ECU Board decisions on 2 and 3 March 2016, we hereby request that you provide European Chess Union with the following documents and information:

1. Please provide any contracts signed between (a) the Bulgarian Chess Federation, its officials, employees or any other person purporting to act on behalf of the Bulgarian Chess Federation and (b) ECU concerning the tournaments in Albena (01-09 June 2014) and Golden Sands 2014 (10-18 June 2014).

2. Please provide any contracts signed between (a) the Bulgarian Chess Federation, its officials, employees or any other person purporting to act on behalf of the Bulgarian Chess Federation and (b) ECU concerning the 2014 European Chess Championships.

3. Please provide any contracts from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2014 between (a) the Bulgarian Chess Federation, its officials, employees or any other person purporting to act on behalf of the Bulgarian Chess Federation and (b) ECU whereby ECU leases chess material and/or jamming devices against payment.

4. Please provide any invoices paid by the Bulgarian Chess Federation to ECU with regards to the European Youth Chess Championship 2011 in Albena, in particular the following invoices:

  • Invoice Nr. 232/11 dated 03 August 2011
  • Invoice Nr. 271/11 dated 10 October 2011

5. Please provide any invoices paid by the Bulgarian Chess Federation to ECU with regards to the European Individual Open Championship 2012 in Plovdiv, in particular the following invoices:

  • Invoice Nr. 292/11 dated 24 October 2011
  • Invoice N 318/11 dated 15 November 2011

6. Please provide any invoices paid by the Bulgarian Chess Federation to ECU with regards to the European Individual Women Championship 2014 in Plovdiv, in particular the following invoice:

  • Invoice Nr. 364/2013 dated 25 November 2013

7. Please provide any invoices paid by the Bulgarian Chess Federation to ECU with regards to the tournaments in Albena (01-09 June 2014) and Golden Sands 2014 (10-18 June 2014), in particular the following invoice:

  • Invoice Nr. 362/2013 dated 24 November 2013

8. Please provide the list of all payments made by the Bulgarian Chess Federation to ECU from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2014.

9. Please indicate whether the Bulgarian Chess Federation paid or transferred money, from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2014, to a bank account other than the official ECU account in Credit Suisse.

Bank:                 Credit Suisse

Postfach 357

CH – 6301 Zug

Account:            1835105 – 42

Holder:              European Chess Union

National Bank Code: 4835

BIC:                     CRESCHZZXXXX

IBAN Code:       CH3604835183510542000

10. If yes, please indicate the bank details of the alternative account(s) used.

11. Please indicate whether money was paid or transferred to the following bank account in Slovenia which belongs to another company named ECU Delaware Ltd

ABANK Slovenia

IBAN SI 56051008013271144

12. Please indicate who instructed to pay or transfer money to this/ese alternative account(s).

13. Please provide the list(s) with the Board members and Directors of the Bulgarian Chess Federation from 1 January 2011 until today.

14. Please provide a copy in English of the Bulgarian Chess Federation’s Statutes.

We request that the abovementioned information and documents be provided within 10 business days to the following address:

European Chess Union

Rainweidstrasse 2

CH – 6333 Hunenberg See


Said request is based on Article 7a of ECU Statutes, which provides that “All Members or Associate Members shall cooperate with the ECU and provide all necessary information and documentation regarding (or referring to) the relation between the ECU and the Member on administration and accounting matters”. Failing any answer within the abovementioned deadline, ECU reserves its right to initiate disciplinary proceedings before ECU and/or FIDE. In addition, ECU reserves its right to suspend the membership of the Bulgarian Chess Federation and to request its exclusion from FIDE.

Notwithstanding the current investigation by the Bulgarian authorities, which have ECU’s full support, ECU undertakes to look very closely into this matter and to make every effort to shed light on the present situation. The person(s) involved will be prosecuted and will be subject to disciplinary and possibly criminal sanctions.


ECU President

Zurab Azmaiparashvili
