European Chess Academy organises Online summer chess camp in period from 29th June- 21st August.
The lectures of the Online Summer Chess Camp will be scheduled every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, within two groups: for participants aged U10 and for participants born before 2010.
The lecturers of the camp will be:
- GM, FIDE Senior Trainer, Adrian Mikhalchishin
- IM, FIDE Trainer, Tadej Sakelsek
In case of the big interest for the Camp, GM, FST Ashak Petrosian, GM, FST Georg Mohr, GM, FI Marko Tratar and FM, FI Peter Kokol will join the Lecturers team.
All the participants may choose one of the three offered package programs. Detailed information and prize of the packages is available in Official invitation for the event or on the Website of European Chess Academy.
Registration deadline is 20th of July. For all detailed information, you can read the invitation attached or contact the organizers on the following e-mail address:, or by phone: 00386 (40) 748 916 .