Romanian Chess Federation, “Mind Games & Events” Sports Association and the European Chess Union have the honour to invite all European Chess Federations affiliated members of ECU to participate in the European Youth Chess Championship, organised in Mamaia/Romania from 4-15 September 2017.


The Official Venue of the Championship is Mamaia Expozitional Center, where all the tournament halls will be situated.

The Championship will be played in 6 age categories: under 8, under 10, under 12, under 14, under 16 and under 18, boys and girls separately.

Each federation member of the ECU can register one (1) player in each of the following categories, the maximum number of twelve (12) “invited players”, and an unlimited number of extra players.

Mamaia Expozitional Center

The entry form must be filled in by the national federation on the official website of the championship no later than 3rd July 2017. This date is the registration deadline. After that, federations will not be able to register or modify any registrations. After this date, all the  registrations have to be confirmed by the organizer and the ECU.

The tournament will be played according to the Swiss System in 9 rounds, with time control 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.


The first three players in each group will be awarded medals; the first five players in each group will be awarded cups, diplomas and valuable prizes. Each participant will receive presents.  The total amount of all prizes and presents will be 40.000 EUR at the minimum.

FIDE seminars for trainers, arbiters and organizers will be organized during the championship.

Participants can get all necessary information on the official tournament website or by mail:

Tournament Director: IO Elena Cristian +40 723 309 101

Romanian Chess Federation / Vladimir Danilov, Secretary General: +40 745 009 623

The Official Regulations can be downloaded below or here
