European Youth Chess Championship 2019 concluded in Bratislava, Sloakia and 12 players out of 1306 participants coming from 48 European federations awarded the title of European Youth Chess Champion.
The Closing Ceremony of the event took place on Saturday evening, at 17:00, where the Winners were awarded with trophies and medals, and the event was officially declared closed. On the Closing ceremony of the event, European Chess Unionwas represented by: the ECU President, Mr. Zurab Azmaiparashvili the ECU Secretary General, Mr. Theodoros Tsorbatzoglo and the ECU Vice President and Tournament Director of EYCC2019 Ms. Eva Repkova. FIDE represented by its Vice President Mr. Turlej, Lukasz and the Slovakian Chess Federation by its President Mr. Gregor, Zdenek.
In Open U18 section, the Winner became Nguyen Thai Dai Van (CZE, 2535) with score of 7.5 points. He was half a point ahead of Salemgareev Tagir (RUS, 2444) who took silver with 7 points, while Vrolijk Liam (NED, 2478) took bronze medal thanks to the best tiebreaks, since he tied for the third place with 5 players scoring 6.5 points, each.
Barseghyan Armen Ar. (ARM, 2313) took the victory in Open U16 section with 7.5 points. Group of 5 players followed him, each with score of 7 points, but according to the additional criteria Van Dael Siem (NED, 2264) came on the second place and Pogosyan Stefan (RUS, 2334) ended on the third place.
Kostolansky Sebastian Lukas (SVK, 2406) and Tsvetkov Andrey (RUS, 2346) tied for the top of Open U14 section, each with score of 7.5 points. Kostolansky Sebastian Lukas took gold thanks to slightly better tiebreaks and Tsvetkov Andrey went second. Six players were in a tie for the bronze, but eventually, additional criteria decided it was Mitusov Semen (UKR, 2184) who took the bronze medal with score of 7 points.
Maurizzi Marc Andria (FRA, 2419) defended his No.1 starting rank position, and triumphed in Open U12 section scoring 8 points. Piliposyan Robert (ARM, 2156) and Vagman Roy (ISR, 1935) tied for the second place, each with 7.5 points, but thanks to the better tiebreak criteria, Piliposyan Robert took silver and Vagman Roy finished the event on the third place.
In Open U12 section, after 9 played rounds, Vetokhin Savva (RUS, 2016) emerged on the top with score of 8 points. Finek Vaclav (CZE, 2038) and Azadaliyev Jahandar (AZE, 1905) are the runner-ups with the same score of 7.5 points, each, but according to tiebreaks, Finek Vaclav was second and Azadaliyev Jahandar took bronze.
Erdogmus Yagiz Kaan (TUR, 1745) convincingly took the victory in Open U8 section, with score of 8.5 points, and only one draw, which he made in the last round of the event. Erdogmus Yagiz Kaan was a point and a half ahead of the group of 5 players tying for the silver, each with 7 points. According to additional criteria, Temirbekov Taimaz (RUS, 1366) and Karimli Yusif (AZE, 1658) took silver and bronze medals, respectively.
In Girls section U18, Sliwicka Alicja (POL, 2259) took gold with score of 8 points. Second place came to Badelka Olga (BLR, 2402) with 7.5 points, while Muetsch Annmarie (GER, 2233) came on the third place thanks to the best tiebreaks, since she tied for the bronze with 3 players scoring 6.5 points, each.
Gold medal in section Girls U16 went to Waszczuk Patrycja (POL, 2139), who scored 7.5 points to be alone on the top of the list. Three players tied for the medals, each with score of 7 points, and according to additional criteria, Getman Tatyana (RUS, 2204) took silver and bronze came to Hryzloa Sofija (UKR, 1928).
In category Girls U14, Allaherdiyeva Ayan (AZE, 2114) and Nur-Mukhametova Alisa (RUS, 2132) tied for the top, each with 7.5 points. Eventually, thanks to slightly better value of tiebreaks, Allahverdiyeva Ayan took gold and Nur-Mukhametova Alisa came second. Hrebenshchykova Yelizaveta (UKR, 1879) took bronze medal thanks to the better tiebreak criteria than Zeliantsova Kseniya (BLR, 1875), since they tied for the bronze medal, each with 7 points.
Shvedova Alexandra (RUS, 1932) became the Winner of Girls U12 section scoring 8 points. Zhapova Yana (RUS, 1809) took silver medal with score of 7.5 points, while Vlasova Olesia (RUS, 1799) came on the third place thanks to the best tiebreaks, since she tied for the bronze with 2 girls scoring 7 points, each.
Shukhman Anna (RUS, 1806) was convincing in Girls U10 section, taking 7 consecutive victories after the draw in the second round to event, to take the gold and achieve the final score of 8.5 points. Hnatyshyn Anastasija (UKR, 1405) was second with 7.5 points, while Kirtadze Anastasia (GEO, 1532) and Kusakina Uliana (RUS, 1448) tied for the bronze medal, each with 7 points. Eventually Kirtadze Anastasia came third thanks to better tiebreaks criteria.
In the girls section for the youngest, Girls U8, gold medal and the trophy went to Huseynova Dinara (AZE, 1207) with score of 8 points. Bashirli Saadat (AZE, 1292) took silver with 7.5 points, while Preobrazhenskaya Diana (RUS, 1361) and Matskevich Varvara (BLR, 1163) tied for the bronze, each with score of 7 points, but Preobrazhenskaya Diana took bronze thanks to better tiebreaks.
Final medal statistics shows that Russia was the most successful federation of the event, taking 12 medals- 3 golds, 6 silvers and 3 bronze medals. Azerbaijan was second on the list with 2 golds, one silver and 2 bronzes- 5 medals in total, and Poland was third with two gold medals.
European Youth Chess Championship 2019 took place from 1st-11th of August in Bratislava, Slovakia. The organizers provided the LIVE coverage of the most of the games, which are available to be seen through the Official Website of the event.
Photos from official Website (Photo gallery) and Nikiel Photo (European Chess TV)