The Educational Chess Summit 2022 is organised by Judit Polgar Chess Foundation in partnership with the European Chess Union will take place on 8th October 2022 as part of the Global Chess Festival 2022.
The Summit will answer the questions: What are the benefits for children of learning about chess at an early age? What are the advantages of chess-oriented education starting in pre-school? How does chess support the learning of foreign languages? What opportunities does chess offer for the development of children with ASD? How does chess shape girls’ thinking?
Among the speakers on the various themes of the program will be: ECU President Zurab Azmaiparashvili, ECU Deputy President Dana Reizniece-Ozola, ECU Vice President Malcolm Pein, ECU EDU Commission Chairman Jesper Hall. See the program below.
This year’s patron of the summit is the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dr. Mikheil Chkhenkeli. Besides him, acknowledged educational experts from around the world, teachers, and leading thinkers from various disciplines share their experiences and will demonstrate why chess can play a key role in future generations’ education.
■ Grandmaster Judit Polgár: The Importance of Chess in Education
■ Welcome speech by Dr. Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, patron of the Educational Chess Summit 2022
■ Why is Chess Beneficial for Early Age? Demo lesson by Happy Kids International Kindergarten

■ Adriana Salazar: More Than 25 Years of Pre-school Chess
■ Rita Atkins: Teaching Problem-solving Skills through Chess with LogiqBoard

■ Marta Amigó: How Chess Works Transversally in Education
■ Philippe Vukojevic: Chess as a Tool for Foreign Language Initiation
■ ChessPE – Physical Education on the Giant Chessboard

■ Stefan Kindermann: The King’s Plan – Strategy and Decision Making for Kids
■ Ashwin Subramanian: Play Chess – Become a Leader!
■ Girls in Chess – a short film by Jenny Schweitzer
■ Jerry Nash: What Kind of PERSON Do We Want Our Daughters to Become?
■ Anastasia Sorokina: Infinite Chess for Kids with ASD

■ Malcolm Pein: How can Chess Build Community and Raise Social Awareness?
■ Nicolás González García: Commercial of Neusus Upcycling
■ Jesper Bergmark Hall: How to Develop a Good Chess Project for Kids
■ Chess in Education: The Next Move – Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Judit Polgar, Zurab Azmaiparahsvili, Leontxo García
More information on official webpage

Educational Chess Summit 2022 – Complete program with short biographies of the speakers