After 11 played rounds at the 2021 European Individual Chess Championship 2021, Russian Grandmaster Anton Demchenko (RUS, 2597) triumphed the event to claim the title of European Champion.
Demchenko drew as black in the last round against Deac Bogdan-Daniel to score 8.5 points. Meanwhile, 17 years old Keymer Vincent (GER, 2602) managed to build a winning position against Vocaturo Daniele (ITA, 2630) who made a decisive mistake in the endgame. With a decisive result in the last round, Keymer scored 8.5 points to share the top with Anton Demchenko.
Tiebreak criteria (average rating of opponents) decided that Demchenko Anton gets gold and Keymer Vincent the silver. Additionally, as the best Junior U20 player Keymer Vincent was granted the seat in FIDE Grand Swiss, according to ECU Board decision.
European Online Chess Champion 2020 – Alexey Sarana (RUS, 2643) and Deac Bogdan-Daniel (ROU, 2639) tied for the third place scoring 8 points, each. According to tiebreak criteria, Sarana came third and Deac took fourth place.

The best ranked 23 players of the Championship qualified for the next FIDE World Cup:
1 | GM | Demchenko Anton | RUS | 2597 | 8.5 |
2 | GM | Keymer Vincent | GER | 2602 | 8.5 |
3 | GM | Sarana Alexey | RUS | 2643 | 8 |
4 | GM | Deac Bogdan-Daniel | ROU | 2639 | 8 |
5 | GM | Piorun Kacper | POL | 2608 | 7.5 |
6 | GM | Mamedov Rauf | AZE | 2654 | 7.5 |
7 | GM | Erdos Viktor | HUN | 2614 | 7.5 |
8 | GM | Huschenbeth Niclas | GER | 2592 | 7.5 |
9 | GM | Navara David | CZE | 2675 | 7.5 |
10 | GM | Sanal Vahap | TUR | 2557 | 7.5 |
11 | GM | Bluebaum Matthias | GER | 2674 | 7.5 |
12 | GM | Vocaturo Daniele | ITA | 2630 | 7.5 |
13 | GM | Antipov Mikhail Al. | RUS | 2607 | 7.5 |
14 | GM | Paichadze Luka | GEO | 2564 | 7.5 |
15 | GM | Yilmaz Mustafa | TUR | 2630 | 7.5 |
16 | GM | Fridman Daniel | GER | 2621 | 7.5 |
17 | GM | Mamedov Nidjat | AZE | 2595 | 7.5 |
18 | GM | Svane Rasmus | GER | 2615 | 7.5 |
19 | GM | Gabuzyan Hovhannes | ARM | 2587 | 7 |
20 | GM | Ivic Velimir | SRB | 2571 | 7 |
21 | GM | Nagy Gabor | HUN | 2518 | 7 |
22 | GM | Bjerre Jonas Buhl | DEN | 2550 | 7 |
23 | GM | Lagarde Maxime | FRA | 2631 | 7 |
Besides regular prizes, also the special prizes for the best ranked Juniors, Seniors, Females and ACP players (who did not take a regular prize), were awarded during the Closing ceremony which took place yesterday evening.
Two Junior players tied for the prize of the best ranked Junior, scoring 7 points each. According to tiebreaks, Bjerre Jonas Buhl (DEN, 2550) was 1st Junior player to be awarded with special prize, Sokolovsky Yahli (ISR, 2415) was second and Horvath Dominik (AUT, 2455) was third with 6.5 points.

Ftacnik Lubomir (SVK, 2513) was the best ranked senior player with score of 6 points. Hillarp Persson Tiger (SWE, 2543) and Hjartarson Johann (ISL, 2519) had the same score, but tiebreak criteria decided that Ftacnik gets the 1st prize, Hillarp took the 2nd and Hjartarson was third.

Maltsevskaya Aleksandra (RUS, 2409), Gueci Tea (ITA, 2188) and Butenandt Svenja (GER, 2036) tied for the prize of the best female player. According to tiebreaks, Maltsevskaya was first, Gueci took second prize, and Butenand came third.

Final rankings can be found here.
ECU Deputy President Mr.Gunnar Bjornsson and ECU Vice President and FIDE CEO Dana Reizniece-Ozola took part in the awarding ceremony and declared the event officially closed.

Arbiters team of the European Individual Chess Championship 2021: