4th ESNA European Small Nations Individual Chess Championship starts

The 4th ESNA European Small Nations Individual Chess Championship 2022 starts tomorrow and will take place from 25th September – 2nd October 2022 in the Principality of Liechtenstein with the support of the European Chess Union.

10 players compete in the 9 rounds, and the field is headlined by: GM Henderson de la Fuente Lance (AND, 2504), GM Efimov Igor (MNC, 2360) and FM Michaelides Konstantinos (CYP, 2304).

The starting rank list of players:

No. NameFideIDFEDRtg
2GMHenderson de la Fuente Lance 32096585AND2504
4GMEfimov Igor 806404MNC2360
5FMMichaelides Konstantinos 5901871CYP2304
6IMBerend Fred 4000102LUX2300
7 Apol Luitjen Akselsson 7202466FAI2113
3CMKirby Peter J. 409014GCI2011
8 Carpenter Paul A. 408930JCI1986
9FMVolpinari Danilo 11800054SMR1929
1 Frick Renato 12000027LIE1875
10 Mizzi Jack 5602521MLT1863

The time control will be: 90 minutes for 40 moves plus 30 minutes for the rest of the game, plus 30 seconds increment for every move played starting from the first move.

Games will be broadcasted live and can be followed here. Parings, results and rankings can be followed here.

Official website of the event
Official regulations of the event