The 5th and 6th November ECU Education Commission in co-operation with Norwegian and Swedish Chess Federations and the FIDE Development Fund organised two large sponsor events targeting the finance sector. The purpose of the two events was to show how sponsoring chess in schools would strengthen the brand of a company, and to show the great CiS movement in the two countries. In next step the idea is that the concept shaped from the try-outs can be used in other countries of Europe as well.

The main idea of the project was the co-operation with Nordic Brand and Dr Tony Aperia from Stockholm business school. To the events he presented a sustainable finance analyse of the 25 largest companies in each country and their brand. He had also analysed the brand of chess in schools. In the end he analysed what would happen if the companies sponsored chess in school programs, and yes, chess is a very attractive partner as the focus is on the inclusion and developing cognitive skills mainly for the most needed ones.

In Norway the event was held at “The Old Museum” in the centre of Oslo. At this event not only chess in school was presented but the large norweigan project “chess in the society” were chess is established at libraries, jails and institutions in this category. First everyone was welcomed, then Dr Tony Aperia presented his study, Jesper Hall focused on the work of ECU Education as well as the arguments why chess is a pedagogic tool for the future, then the Norweigan chess in school movement was presenting the exploding chess in schools movement as well as the new project chess in the society. Finally the school of Grefsen told about their chess activities.

Then it was a break with snacks and champagne, and then the participants challenged the worldchampion Magnus Carlsen in a simul. A very successful evening.

In Sweden, the day after, the event was hosted by the sponsor of Swedish Chess in School program, the lawfirm Cederquist in the centre of Stockholm. It was almost the same set-up. But the simul with Magnus was changed to an inspiring talk by the Latvian politian and ECU Vice President Mrs Dana Reizniece-Ozola on how chess has helped her in making strategic decisions in politics.
All in all 19 of the most prestigious finance companies of Norway and Sweden attended the events, and ECU and the both federations have great hope to establish a co-operation with some of them.