European Fair-Play Rules and Safe Play Policy

R. European Fair-Play Rules and Safe Play Policy

R.1 Preamble

All involved in ECU events shall conduct themselves in dignity with respect to all others involved, in accordance with these rules and Fide Code of Ethics which cannot be contradicted.

R.2 Fundamental values of fair play

R.2.1. Fair competition

To enjoy the fruits of success, it is not enough to win. Triumph must be measured by absolute fair means, honesty and fair play.

R.2.2. Respect

For every sportsman, playing by the written rules is mandatory, and respecting the unwritten ones is a must. Fair play requires unconditional respect for opponents, fellow players, arbiters and fans.


Rivalry on the field does not exclude friendship. On the contrary, friendship could grow from noble rivalries.

R.2.4.Team spirit

Individuals can be strong on their own, but they are much stronger in a team. Sharing the moment of victory with your team is the ultimate pleasure.


Competing on equal terms is essential in sport. Otherwise, performance cannot be measured properly.

R.2.6. Sport without doping

Fair play means not cheating by taking drugs or doping. Anyone who does this ruins the game for everyone else.


Being honest and having strong moral principles are essential to fair play. Practicing sport within a sound ethical framework is vitally important if you aim to be a true champion.


It is important to support each other and share feelings, aims and dreams. Mutual support brings mutual success on and off the field.

R.2.9. Tolerance

The willingness to accept behaviour or decisions you may not agree with develops your self-control. Ultimately, that could be the deciding factor when it comes to winning or losing.


True champions care about each other as they are well aware that they could not be where they are without having been cared for by others.


Sport engages us in a collective effort to pursue human excellence.

R.2.12. Joy

Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games said: “The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight. The essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well.” Competition can be intense, but you should always first look for joy when practicing any sports. You should never forget about the play even in the heat of the fight.

R.3 Importance of Fair Play

R.3.1 Fair play is not a theory. Fair play is an attitude that manifests itself in behaviour. Whenever we act in the spirit of fair play we contribute to building a peaceful and better world.

R.3.2 Without fairness and trustworthiness the established order of our society is at risk. If we do not play by the rules, we ruin the spirit of the game. We must support honest players by enabling us to take appropriate actions fending off against violators of the chess experience.

R.3.3 Fair play, which is an essential and central part of successful involvement, promotion and development in both sport and life, can teach people tolerance and respect for others. It allows them to integrate into society and create a sense of teamwork.

R.3.4 Fair play in sport is capable of giving hope, pride and identity, and it is able to unite, where nationalities, politics, religions and cultures often divide.

R.3.5 Cooperation in the spirit of fair play delivers even greater results than pure gamesmanship in all walks of life. It plays a key role, the role of a catalyst in today’s society as a means of improving quality of life and human well-being.

R.3.6 In order to protect the integrity and Fair Play of the game, protect all involved, and ensure fine experience in all ECU events, the following measures are enacted.

R.4  Violations of Fair Play

R.4.1 Inappropriate behaviour is the conduct of the participant that could breach the ECU Fair Play Rules and Safe Play Policy.

R.4.2. Inappropriate behaviour includes, but is not limited to:

R.4.2.1    Any discriminations or favouritism,

R.4.2.2    Any promotion of political or religious messages, posters or symbols,

R.4.2.3    Violence, physical or verbal harassment.

R.4.2.4   Any unwanted, unwelcome physical contact, or any type of sexual harassment, sexual assault and/or stalking, including but not limited to sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other verbal or physical behaviours of sexual nature sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive and objectively offensive.

R.4.2.5    Any unwelcome behaviour related to someone’s  gender (male or female) or related to someone’s sexual orientation, race, religion,  which has the effect or purpose of offending personal dignity.

R.4.2.6  Social media publications, including sharing or un-consensually posting,      which contain derogatory content regarding: an individual’s race, an individual’s religion, an individual gender, an individual’s sexual orientation, an individual’s physical feature/s, an individual’s character.

R.4.2.7    Posts which contain derogatory content and/or abusive language regarding the reputation of the ECU and its competitions and/or participants. This does not limit the right to freely voice the opinion, comment and even criticize incidents during the tournaments as long as those opinions are conducted in a respectable manner.

R.4.3       ECU Board may develop and publish guidelines for appropriate conduct in tournament venues and social media.

R.5  The Complaint

R.5.1       An individual who feels a violation was conducted against him, may file a complaint. In cases where the offended party is a minor, a complaint may be filed on his behalf. A complaint regarding violations of ECU Fair Play Rules and Safe Play Policy shall be submitted in writing to all hereby:

R.5.1.1    Chief Arbiter of the event in case of violations while game/s are in progress,

R.5.1.2    Chief Organiser / Tournament Director in case of violations during the tournament, except for violations while game/s were in progress,

R.5.1.3    ECU Board in case of post-tournament violations, no later than 21 days from the alledged offence.

R.5.2       In the written complaint, the Complainant shall elaborate all facts of the case.

R.5.3       Complainant shall attach any and all supporting documents, names, and contact info of potential witnesses.

R.5.4 Until a decision has been   made and duly published, the complainants shall refrain from discussing the matter in public or social media or disclosing it with the purpose of spreading the existence of the complaint. Failure by the Complainant and/or their proxies, to exercise appropriate discretion during the sub-judice phase of the complaint, may have detrimental effects on the complaint.

R.6  The Procedure

R.6.1       In case of violations during period game/s were in progress, Chief Arbiter may impose against a defendant (player) any sanction/s prescribed in  FIDE  Laws of Chess. In case of the defendant other than player, Ad-Hoc Ethics Tribunal (AHET) may be empanelled (see R.6.2).

R.6.2       In case of a complaint during the tournament (see R.5.1.2), Ad-Hoc Ethics Tribunal (AHET) may be empanelled by the Chief Organiser / Tournament Director.

R.6.3       The tribunal shall be consisted of 3 members:

R.6.3.1    Chief Organiser / Tournament Director,

R.6.3.2    ECU Representative / Technical Delegate

R.6.3.3    Chief Arbiter.

R.6.3.4 In case of violations involving art. R.4.2.4, AHET will endeavour to consult an ECU endorsed advocate, as amicus curiae.

R.6.4       AHET shall convene as soon as possible after being empanelled and conduct its investigation and deliberations.

R.6.5       Following a conviction, AHET may impose against a defendant one of more of the following sanctions:

R.6.5.1    Warning,

R.6.5.2    Fine,

R.6.5.3    Taking temporarily measures while the investigation pending,

R.6.5.4    Taking additional safety measures,

R.6.5.5    Expulsion for one round,

R.6.5.6    Ban the defendant from entering the playing venue,

R.6.5.7    Expulsion for the whole event.

R.7 The Tribunal – AHET

R.7.1       The tribunal is not bound with any procedural limitations and are to conduct an investigation to seek the truth.

R.7.2       The tribunal shall contact the defendant (and in case defendant is a minor, also his adult supervisor) inform him/them about the proceedings, present them with any relevant material, and allow him/them to respond to the complaint.

R.7.3       A majority vote is required for a conviction/acquittal.

R.7.4       A majority vote is required for imposing any of the sanction/s.

R.7.5       AHET may conclude that the complaint lacks sufficient evidence or it was concluded that the complaint was frivolous and/or spiteful and/or should not have been initiated – AHET may impose sanction/s on the complainant.

R.8  The Appeal

R.8.1       Appeal of Chief Arbiter’s / AHET decisionEach party may appeal, within one hour after being informed about Chief Arbiter’s decision as well as AHET’s decision to the Appeals Committee of the tournament, which decision is final.

R.8.2       Appeal of ECU Board’s decision – Each party may appeal ECU Board decision related to fair play to the FIDE EDC within 21 days from the day, the decision was published or delivered to them (whichever is earlier).

R.9  Report to the ECU BOARD

R.9.1       Chief arbiter shall report to the ECU Board, any action done by AHET (“AHET Report”).

R.9.2       The AHET Report to the ECU shall not be made public.

R.9.3       Following the AHET report, ECU Board shall decide:

R.9.3.1    If further actions are required. ECU Board may ban the defendant to take part (in any role including player, arbiter, trainer) in future ECU events for a term of between 6 months and 3 years.

R.9.3.2    Whether to publish the events and if so in which manner.