F.3. Tournament Regulations

F.3. Tournament Regulations

F.3.1 Number of rounds. The competition will be played in a 7 rounds tournament. No free day is foreseen.

F.3.2 System of play.

F.3.2.1 The competition shall take the form of a Swiss system tournament.

F.3.2.2 If there are eight teams or less in a competition, the competition will be played as a Round Robin tournament. In such case the drawing of lots will take place at the Captain’s Meeting.

F.3.2.3    If there are 9-12 teams in a competition, the competition will be played by a combined system.

F. Two groups are formed depended on the total number of the teams: 4-6 teams in a group and 5(4) rounds to be played. The teams in the groups will be formed according to their starting rankings, that is: I group-1, 4, 5, 8, 9, (12) and II group-2, 3, 6, 7, (10), (11).

F. The teams of the groups will form 3 subgroups among 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 place winners and play according knock-out system, where the 1st (3rd, 5th) placed team of the primary group meet the 2nd (4th, 6th) of the other group in the first round.

F.3.2.4    ECU will approve relevant system of play after the final number of the participating teams is approved.

F.3.3 Schedule. The matches shall be conducted according to a playing schedule which must be distributed to the participants before the start of the tournament. Only in exceptional cases may the Chief Arbiter, in consultation with the Tournament Director, make alterations to the times of play. If this is done, all those concerned are to be informed directly. However, the cases foreseen in Article 8.1 of the Laws of Chess will not be accepted as an exceptional case as defined above. The following time schedule must be adapted:

Day 1: Saturday Arrival of participants
Captain’s meeting
Day 2: Sunday Opening Ceremony
Round 1
Day 3-7 Monday-Friday Rounds 2-6
Day 8 Saturday Round 7
Closing Ceremony
Day 9 Sunday Departure of participants