The European Chess Union, the Georgian Chess Federation & the Georgian Chess Club “64” invite all ECU member national federations to participate in the ECU Online Rapid School Championships, under 10 – 17.
The European Online Rapid School Championships will be played in 5 different age groups – under 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 2 sections – open and girls, separately.
The Rapid Championships will consist of two stages: selection and final, both taking place through Tornelo Online platform.
The selection stage tournaments will be played by separate online 7-round Swiss System tournaments (Girls under 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 and Open under 10, 11, 13, 15, and 17). The time control for the selection stage will be 10 minutes + 3 seconds increment starting from the first move. First 8 winners per category will be qualified to the final stages.
Every Chess Federation can register any number of players per each category in the selection stage.
For any age group (open and girls) the second stage event (Finals) will consist of an 8 – player KO tournament based on 2 games (with alternate colours) and possibly one Armageddon tie-break 5/4 minutes game with no increment and the black qualifies if the game is drawn.
The time control for the final stage will be 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment starting from the first move.
Schedule of the event will be as followed:

Registrations shall be handled by the National Chess Federations through the registration forms
The registration deadline for the highest rating player to participate in FIDE Grand Prix (15.1-15.5) is October 28, 22:00 CET, 2021. Registration deadline is November 20, 22:00 CET, 2021.
The highest rated registered player (by FIDE October, 2021 standard rating) from each category will gain the right to participate in FIDE Online Rapid Grand Prix Series 2021.
The highest rated registered players under 10, are entitled to participate in FIDE Online Rapid Grand Prix Series 2021 under 10; players under 11 will participate in under 12 categories; players under 13 will participate in under 14 categories; players under 15 will participate in under 16 categories; players under 17 will participate in under 18 categories.
The first three winners of the event (in each category) will be awarded with E-Medal and diploma.
Contact information:
Website –
Tournament Director – IO, IA Arsenidze Aleksandr
Contact Person – IO, IA Dato Kodua
In case of questions about the registration on Tornelo, please, apply to – IO, IA, Tania Karali:
Contact phone number: +306975300614 (WhatsApp)
European Online Rapid School Chess Championships – Official regulation