The 3rd quarterly ECU Board meeting and the annual ECU General Assembly took place on the 18th and the 19th of September respectively, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Budapest, Hungary, as part of the FIDE Congress 2024.
ECU Board information and decisions:
- Τhe ECU Board issued a statement in connection with the discussion on the IOC sanctions against Russia and Belarus and the violation of the sports jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Chess Federation.
- The European Individual Chess Championship 2025 is awarded to Romania to organize from 14 to 27 of March of 2025 in Constanta County. ECU has proposed to Israel Chess federation the postponement of the organization of the Championship for the year 2026 or later.
- ECU Board approved the budget for the year 2025 and be informed on the income statement by September 2024.
- The year 2025 ECU celebrates its 40th anniversary. After a kind invitation by the Monaco Chess Federation, ECU will organize a ceremonial Board meeting in Monte Carlo on 10-13 January 2025.

ECU General Assembly information and decisions
42 Federations members were present at the ECU General Assembly 2024.
- ECU Board made the annual report and presented the new project introduced or are in works by ECU in 2024:
A. The development of ECU TV and the ECU gaming platform
B. The development of ECU Trainers Syllabus and its digitalization and distribution in a commercial partnership with Chessable.
C. The Aegean University course “Chess in Primary Education”
D. The sponsorship and commercial agreement with the telecommunication company Globalcell.
- The ECU General Assembly unanimously approved the membership of the Bulgarian Sports Chess Federation.
- The ECU Board was discharged for the year 2023.
- The proposed budget for the year 2025 was unanimously approved.
- The new Media guide was presented, concerning the live coverage on major European events, and approved by the ECU General Assembly.
- The ECU General Assembly approved the proposal concerning the European Youth Chess Championship organizational standards. ECU Board will make any modification if needed.
- The ECU General Assembly approved the proposal of the ECU Arbiters Council to appoint 30% of the match arbiters in European Chess Championships.
- The ECU General Assembly 2025 will take place in Batumi, Georgia during the European Team Chess Championship.

Commissions Reports:
- Mr. Geert Bailleul, the Chairman of the Arbiters Council Chairman presented a detailed report of the activities of the Council: The Arbiters’ Corner on the ECU Magazine, the appointment of Arbiters in European Events, the Seminars and Workshops that were organized and the improved system of evaluation of the Arbiters.
- Mr. Jesper Hall, Chairman of the Educational Commission spoke about the ECU EDU webpage, the Research Database that was created and the variety of training courses offered: the CiE-package, the ECU101 training course, the Academic training course in collaboration with the Aegean University.
- Mrs. Lilli Hahn, member of the Commission for Women’s Chess presented the latest activities of the Commission, that included online Trainers’ seminars, Lectures, and the European Women’s Chess Trophy, supported by the FIDE Development fund. All the activities aim to make chess more inclusive and safer for everyone.
- Mr. Paris Klarides Chairman of Events Commission made a brief report about the ECU competitions in 2024 and emphasized in the need of changes for the European Youth Chess Championship.

During the meeting, the ECU President presents to FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich and FIDE Deputy President Viswanathan Anand, as well to all delegates, the gold-plate pin for the 40th ECU anniversary.
Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou
ECU Secretary General
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