ACC – ECU Chess Symposium

The ASEAN Chess Confederation and the European Chess Union announce the chess symposium which will include separate workshops for trainers, arbiters and organisers. The Symposium will take place from 19-24 June in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Symposium will start with the Trainers workshop which will be held from 19-21 June with GM Artur Yusupov as the lecturer. The workshop will cover the following topics:
> How to indetify talent
> Ways to improve a young player
> Various forms of training
> Preparing for an important tournament

The Arbiters workshop with Takis Nikolopoulos, Ignatius Leong and Bong Bunawan will take place from 21-24 June, as well as the Organisers workshop with Zurab Azmaiparshvili, Ignatius Leong and Takis Nikolopoulos as the main speakers.

The complete program of the symposium can be seen below.