Polish-Hungarian friendship chess championship was held on the week-end of 5-6 May 2018. The 600 players from ten countries participated in 6th edition chess event. 9-round Rapid Swiss open took place in the International Congress Center in Katowice city in Poland.
The time control was 15 minutes per player, with a 10-second increment for each move. The prize fund amounted 40, 000 PLN (approximately 10,000 EUR). The aim of the tournament is to make Polish-Hungarian relations stronger. The event was organized by the cities of Katowice cooperation with Miskolc and the Silesian chess Association.

The event attracted strong Grand Masters including: well known chess family Bartosz Socko 2630 and Monika Socko 2360, Robert Kempinski 2583, Pakleza Zbigniew 2549, legendary Michal Krasenkow 2546 and two times World solving Champion Kacper Piorun 2639 , who managed to win the tournament with amazing score 8/9.
GM Bartosz Socko was leading with perfect score 5/5. In 7th round he lost winning position with IM Hnydiuk Aleksander, and shared 2nd – 4th places with 7,5/9 together with IM Hnydiuk, Aleksander, IM Klekowski, Maciej and Ukrainian GM Kazakov, Mikhail.

European Chess TV was broadcasting the event. IM Piotr Nguyen (half-Polish half-Vietnamese) and WGM Keti Tsatsalashvili (Georgian) were doing live commentary of the games from the open studio.
Youngest participants got special prices.
Source: http://chesscup.com.pl/en/results/kategoria-open
Photos by Walusza photography, Karol Bartnik (1st photo)
Report by: Keti Tsatsalashvili